The average house price on MILL ROAD is £627,678
The most expensive house in the street is MEADWAY MILL ROAD with an estimated value of £861,212
The cheapest house in the street is PLOT 4 MILL ROAD ESTATE MILL ROAD with an estimated value of £334,288
The house which was most recently sold was PLOT 4 MILL ROAD ESTATE MILL ROAD, this sold on 11 Apr 2016 for £245,000
The postcodes for MILL ROAD are BA3 5TY, BA3 5TX
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
COLLIERS LODGE MILL ROAD Detached £850,840 £490,000 5 Dec 2011
HILLSIDE COTTAGE MILL ROAD Semi-Detached £464,374 £277,500 31 Jul 2013
MEADWAY MILL ROAD Detached £861,212 £495,000 27 May 2011
PLOT 4 MILL ROAD ESTATE MILL ROAD £334,288 £245,000 11 Apr 2016